6  Assignment

6.0.1 Charm Casting with Assignment Operators

Lend me your ears, magical coders, for the next spectacular act of our thrilling Dart journey - the mesmerizing, the enchanting, Assignment Operators!

Assignment operators are like the ultimate multitaskers of the Dart world. They juggle operations and assignments all at once, giving your fingers a well-deserved break from all that typing.

  • = The Basic Assignment Operator: This operator is the team’s workhorse. It’s just here to assign values to variables, no questions asked.
int cupcakes = 12; // You've got 12 cupcakes!

+= The Addition Assignment Operator: This operator adds a dash of magic to the plain old assignment. It adds a value to a variable and then assigns the result back to the variable. Imagine a potion that grows sweeter with each spoon of sugar you add.

int sugar = 5; // 5 spoons of sugar
sugar += 3; // Now it's 8, sweetness overload!

-= The Subtraction Assignment Operator: This operator is here to balance the sweetness. It subtracts a value from a variable and reassigns the result back to the variable.

int coffee = 10; // Start with 10 cups of coffee
coffee -= 2; // You drank 2, so you have 8 left

*= The Multiplication Assignment Operator: Like a charm that multiplies whatever it touches, this operator multiplies a variable by a value and assigns the result back to the variable.

int cats = 2; // 2 cats
cats *= 3; // Magic spell! Now you've got 6 cats!

/= The Division Assignment Operator: This operator believes in equal sharing. It divides a variable by a value and reassigns the result back to the variable.

double pizza = 12.0; // 12 slices of pizza
pizza /= 4; // You share with 3 friends, so everyone gets 3 slices

%= The Modulus Assignment Operator: This operator is all about the leftovers. It applies modulus to a variable and assigns the result back to the variable.

int candies = 15; // Start with 15 candies
candies %= 4; // You share with 3 friends, and you have 3 candies left

With these charmed Assignment Operators at your disposal, the magic of Dart is now yours to command. Practice these incantations and make your own magic. Code on, wizards!